Sustainability Progress: the key elements of our virtuous path

In this space, we document the co-evolutionary path of the Rotolito Group. Here, we reflect on the different stages of our journey, which began some time ago and has continued ever since. These are the pages of a diary documenting our efforts, day after day, to make the World a better place, to protect People’s happiness and to achieve collective Prosperity.

By Rotolito / Nava Press

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BIA Report Energy

Rotolito has embarked on the path to B Corp certification

Click here to read more


A magnificent new journey has begun, one of awareness and unwavering commitment, because incorporating sustainability into business strategies has a beginning but never an end.

There are roughly 6,000 B Corp companies worldwide and just over 200 in Italy. It is a community of virtual individuals and entrepreneurs who have the courage to admit that being sustainable entails working together, giving back what you take, and regenerating while remembering that you are part of one, magnificent planet.

The year 2023 was challenging for us in terms of resources and time. But we are pleased and satisfied to have embraced the principle underlying B Corp certification, shared by all member companies around the world. We began with a rigorous assessment based on the BIA (Benefit Impact Assessment) method, which allowed us to measure the current status of our sustainable doing and thinking: Three months of hard work examining all data concerning the consumption (energy and other types) of our plants and locations, as well as hundreds of hours spent defining the nature and relationship – in terms of sustainability – between Rotolito, Governance, and its Clients and Suppliers, with its employees, Communities, the Territory and entire Environment. The assessment was somewhat frightening at first, since we didn’t know what to expect. Nonetheless, achieving a score of 57.6 points out of the 80 required for B Corp certification served as a source of pride and motivation to continue on our path. While working on the assessment, we realised that the most important value in embracing genuinely sustainable behaviour is having shared objectives with our supply chain and stakeholders. Much of what we already did and do was not necessarily known, making it ineffective for co-generating value and co-evolving the mindset. We were greatly helped by the company that supported – and continues to support – our growth path: Nativa.

The assessment resulted in our first Smart Evolution Report, published in September 2023, because we believed it was only right to share our virtuous achievements with all those who had dealings with our company, putting our future commitments in writing.

In 2024, we will get back to work on the key factors of our business that, if improved, will assist us in meeting the short-, medium- and long-term goals specified in the strategic sustainability positioning strategy.

We work with one of the most sustainable raw materials – paper – which, if treated with respect and foresight and sourced from forests certified for the production of wood and pulp, can be transformed into an endlessly recyclable product. However, we are also an energy-intensive business that requires ongoing research, innovation and development to create new, clean, renewable, environmentally and people-friendly energy solutions.

All of this led us to reflect on our Purpose, allowing us to redefine our Vision and Mission: we want to continue to promote prosperity by producing information, education and emotions that only print media can deliver.

We hope that everyone who follows our Sustainability Progress will share our enthusiasm for this exciting new journey.

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